Double Braided Polypropylene Dock Line

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This Double Braided Polypropylene Dock Line is strong, flexible, low-stretch and easily tapered. It’s soft on the hands and gets even softer with use. Super-lightweight line stays dry and light even when wet.


  • Resistant to mildew
  • Waterproof, yet a slightly slick
  • Retains its shape well when bent
  • Lighter than similarly-sized nylon or natural fiber rope
  • Low stored energy – it doesn’t “snap back” when it reaches its breaking point

Available Colors: white, red, blue and black

Code Dia. Length Eye Splice Suitable Boat
170810 3/8″ 25′ 12″ Up to 27′
170812 1/2″ 30′ 12″ 28′-36′
170816 5/8″ 40′ 12″ 37′-45′
170819 3/4″ 50′ 16″ 46′-54′

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